
Grand Rapids Sedation Dentist

Give your child the gift of a brighter, healthier future with our HealthyStart® System. Say goodbye to the struggles of sleep disordered breathing issues like snoring, misaligned teeth, and subsequent attention issues as HealthyStart gently guides your little one towards optimal oral and overall health. Through customized oral appliances and corrective techniques, our Grand Rapids, MI, dentists can empower young smiles to grow beautifully aligned, ensuring proper development of airways and facial structures.

healthystart grand rapids mi dentists oral appliances

Embrace the journey to a healthier, happier child with HealthyStart today!

What Is HealthyStart?

Broadly speaking, HealthyStart is a non-invasive, drug-free, and painless way to open up a child’s airway and straighten teeth all without orthodontic treatment. This is an ideal solution for parents or guardians wanting to take a more holistic approach to their child’s oral health. HealthyStart, if used while children are young enough, can be just as effective as braces or clear aligners and more affordable in the long run.

That’s because the HealthyStart System works with the natural forces of tooth eruption. Our dentists will use a series of custom oral appliances fitted to your child’s smile to guide incoming teeth and their lower jaw into the proper alignment. It accomplishes this in part by expanding the arches to ensure there’s space for adult teeth. 70-80% of kids do not need traditional orthodontic treatment once completing HealthyStart as prescribed.

Bonus: each device is soft, comfortable, and removable for easy wear!

What HealthyStart Can Do

Your child’s age and specific issues that need addressing will influence how their series of corrective oral appliances are tailored. For example, some children may gravitate toward mouth breathing while others require help focusing after a fitful night. If not treated early, sleep disordered breathing symptoms can potentially worsen with age.

HealthyStart appliances also address:

  • Academic challenges that result because of inadequate sleep
  • Heavy breathing while sleeping
  • Bedwetting
  • Sleepwalking or nightmares
  • Underdeveloped jaws and airways

Ask Our Dentists About HealthyStart

Watch as your child blossoms with confidence, vitality, and a restful night’s sleep. Our dentists in Grand Rapids, MI, can help you create a customized plan so the system is the most successful. Call Precision Family Dental at (616) 949-1570 to request an appointment and learn more about HealthyStart.